Monday, February 24, 2020

Rationale Essay with DP Plannning Grid - Written Assignment

Rationale with DP Plannning Grid - Written Assignment - Essay Example Bachelor of Science in nursing helps individuals to provide more logical patient care, hence enabling them to take more leadership obligation in an array of health-care settings. The central goals why I am interested in pursuing the BSN is to satisfy my life-long desire to be a nurse. Interestingly, since my childhood and when I was a fifth-grade student, I have been volunteering to help the elderly people at home and this motivate me to become a qualified nurse in the forthcoming future. In 2007, I graduated at Borough Community College and indeed I was proud and saw the day as magnificent. I am presently practicing at a hospital, in the medical care unit, as a registered nurse of day staff. Working as a nurse demands a high degree of devotion and I must acknowledge that nursing is an inspiring job that suits my personality impeccably. Therefore, I wish to return to school, thus achieving my lifelong dream of obtaining a bachelor degree in nursing for this will help me reach my full potential both as a nurse and as a person. I also want to be a well efficient nurse and since education makes a significant impact on the competency of nursing professionals, I find it essential to advance my level of edification by pursuing a BSN. In present-day world nurses must learn new knowledge, skills, and experiences which will enable them to transform healthcare practices in medical centers. During my studies, I would like to learn new knowledge such as being able to recognize diseases process, patient surveillances, and preventing mistakes. I will also like to learn skills such as caring toward my patients as it is an indispensable trait for nurses to eliminate worries in patients by offering effective guidance and psychotherapy. Caring was noted as factor that increases competence of nurses by certifying that nurses will

Saturday, February 8, 2020

You should be familiar by now with the implications of class, age and Essay

You should be familiar by now with the implications of class, age and gender for the kind of lives that people lead in society. But do you think that where you - Essay Example Durkheim strongly believes that the cohesion or the lack of cohesion of religious groups is more important than what the believers think or feel about their religion. Since the behavior of the group can strongly affect the social phenomenon of society, it is but fitting that one should always play closer attention to the characteristics manifested by the group. However, he stressed that social facts, such as moral rules are effective guides and controls of the conduct of the group if and only if these social facts are internalized by the individual members of the group. By instilling the moral standards in the members of a group, the members will now be constrained to obey rules as a moral obligation. The existing structures of society and the constraints that social factors tend to create on the individual members of the group affects the kind of lives that people may lead in a certain place. Note that any social formation be it superior or inferior to the quality of individuals that compose it, is considered a separate entity from the individuals that comprise it and therefore demands a certain that culture and social circumstances can be considered as unique to a place and to a group of people thus it very much likely that the quality of life of people will be greatly affected by where they live. A clear example of the social effects of where one lives can be seen in the case of Northern Ireland where a group of people come in constant conflict with each other. Technically, the conflict in Northern Ireland can be more easily understood if taken in the light of the opposing forces composed of the people who want Northern Ireland to be part of the United Kingdom on the other side and the people who want to â€Å"liberate† Ireland from external controls. An overwhelming majority of the members of the group that wants the union between Ireland and the United Kingdom are Protestants. On the other hand, the people who want