Saturday, December 28, 2019

Martha Washington - Americas First First Lady

Dates: June 2, 1731 – May 22, 1802First Lady* April 30, 1789 - March 4, 1797 Occupation: First Lady* of the United States as wife of the first US President, George Washington. She also managed the estate of her first husband and, while George Washington was away, Mount Vernon. *First Lady: the term First Lady came into use many years after Martha Washingtons death and so was not used for Martha Washington during her husbands presidency or in her lifetie. Its used here in its modern sense. Also Known As: Martha Dandridge Custis Washington About Martha Washington: Martha Washington, was born Martha Dandridge in Chestnut Grove, New Kent County, Virginia. She was the eldest daughter of John Dandridge, a wealthy landowner, and his wife, Frances Jones Dandridge, both of whom came from established New England families. Marthas first husband, also a wealthy landowner, was Daniel Parke Custis. They had four children; two died in childhood. Daniel Parke Custis died on July 8, 1757, leaving Martha quite wealthy, and in charge of running the estate and household, holding both a dower portion and managing the rest during her childrens minority. George Washington Martha met the young George Washington at a cotillion in Williamsburg. She had many suitors, but married Washington on January 6, 1759. She moved that spring with her two surviving children, John Parke Custis (Jacky) and Martha Parke Custis (Patsy), to Mount Vernon, Washingtons estate. Her two children were adopted and raised by George Washington. Martha was, by all accounts, a gracious hostess who helped restore Mount Vernon from the neglect of Georges time away during the French and Indian War. Marthas daughter died in 1773 at the age of 17, after some years of suffering epileptic seizures. Wartime In 1775, when George Washington had become the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, Martha traveled with her son, new daughter-in-law, and friends to stay with George at the winter army headquarters in Cambridge. Martha remained until June, returning in March of 1777 to the Morristown winter camp to nurse her husband, who was ill. In February of 1778 she rejoined her husband at Valley Forge. She is credited with helping to keep up the spirits of the troops during this gloomy period. Marthas son Jacky enlisted as an aide to his stepfather, serving briefly during the siege at Yorktown, dying after only a few days of what was called camp fever -- probably typhus. His wife was in ill health, and her youngest, Eleanor Parke Custis (Nelly) was sent to Mount Vernon to be nursed; her last baby, George Washington Parke Custis was also sent to Mount Vernon. These two children were raised by Martha and George Washington even after their mother remarried a doctor in Alexandria. On Christmas Eve, 1783, George Washington arrived back at Mount Vernon from the Revolutionary War, and Martha resumed her role as hostess. First Lady Martha Washington did not enjoy her time (1789-1797) as First Lady (the term was not then used) though she played her role as hostess with dignity. She had not supported her husbands candidacy for the presidency, and she would not attend his inauguration. The first temporary seat of government was in New York City, where Martha presided over weekly receptions. The seat of government  was later moved to Philadelphia where the Washingtons lived except for a return to Mount Vernon when a yellow fever epidemic swept Philadelphia. After the Presidency After the Washingtons returned to Mount Vernon, their granddaughter Nelly married Georges nephew, Lawrence Lewis. Nellys first child, Frances Parke Lewis, was born at Mount Vernon. Less than three weeks later, George Washington died, December 14, 1799, after suffering a severe cold. Martha moved out of their bedroom and into a third floor garret room and lived in seclusion, seen only by a few of the remaining slaves and Nelly and her family. Martha Washington burned all but two of the letters she and her husband had exchanged. Martha Washington lived until May 22, 1802. George had freed half the slaves of Mount Vernon, and Martha freed the rest. Martha Washington is buried with her husband in a tomb at Mount Vernon. Legacy George Washington Parke Custis daughter, Mary Custis Lee, married Robert E. Lee. A part of the Custis estate which had passed through George Washington Parke Custis to his son-in-law was confiscated by the federal government during the Civil War, though the United States Supreme Court eventually found that the government had to reimburse the family. That land is now known as Arlington National Cemetery. When a ship was named the USS Lady Washington in 1776, it became the first US military ship to be named for a woman and was the only ship the Continental Navy named for a woman. In 1901, Martha Washington became the first woman whose image was depicted on a US postage stamp.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why I Shut Down Sweet Briar College, The Historic...

Why to shut down: Sweet Briar College, the historic perspective. John R. Thelin called the period from 1970 to 1980 â€Å"turbulent waters† for all institutions (Thelin, 2011, p. 317). After the golden age, the industry of Higher Education in the U.S. faced the not-so-bright future with a lot of colleges and universities being shut down. Thelin (2011, p. 337) points out that the institutions could have been prepared to handle the steadily declining enrollment, decreased revenues, decline in funding, stagflation, and rising campus maintenance costs if only they picked on the first signs of upcoming financial crisis when in 1970, the share price of the NSMC fell from $140 to $7 over the short period of time (Thelin, 2011, p. 317). However, the universities and colleges of that time were so confident and relied on â€Å"the public image of higher education as a â€Å"growth industry† (Thelin, 2011, p. 318) so much, that they were not monitoring the changing situation and thus, were not fast enough in adopting to new conditions. It does not mean that there were many college closings; vice a versa, some colleges grew, opened new programs and applied for research grants. These colleges adopted the enterprise thinking (Thelin, 2011, p. 337). Enterprise thinking, according to Thelin (2011, p.337), is about making strategic planning decisions based on the available data. One can think that by 2015 institutions of higher education would have learned how to utilize the results of ongoing

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Break Point Essay Research Paper Surfing the free essay sample

Break Point Essay, Research Paper Surfboarding the interrupting moving ridges on Mayport Beach gives a feeling I will neer bury. I was 12 old ages old when my household and I lived on the shore of a little town known as Mayport. Two back-to-back old ages we dwelled in our cosy small beach house watching the glimmer ocean through our Windowss. Everyday I would take the way over the flaxen dunes, dodging the prickly goad and the crisp cati, onto the aureate white beach. I walk toward the shoreline seeking the dirt for any hoarded wealths the sand may keep for me. As I look out, my eyes see nil but the glasslike H2O disturbed merely by moving ridges interrupting on the shore. I drop my board in the cool H2O and get down to paddle out into the eternal ocean. As I approach the breakage point, I duck dive under the cool salty H2O so as non to be pushed back by the force of the on hotfooting moving ridges. We will write a custom essay sample on Break Point Essay Research Paper Surfing the or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I paddle beyond the breakage point and sit on my board patiently waiting for the following moving ridge to pick me up. While waiting I notice porpoises turn overing in and out of the H2O, free as can be. The warm air current brings an olfactory property of salt and a mist of H2O. Waves begin to turn over through the H2O as I lay on my board padd ling forward. Closer and larger they grow until their power and force begins to push me through the water as I lay on my board paddling forward. I feel the force of the wave behind me as I shoot up to my feet, feeling the wax grip my feet. As the waves roars behind me, I duck down low and enter the barrel. Tilting the board forward, I emerge from the tunnel of water and end up a distance away fro the tube. I begin to slow down so I cut my board back to the barrel and throw it forward again, so I am again positioned in front of the pipe. After the wave finally dwindles down in the shallow water I pull my board over the lip to the back of the wave and begin paddling out to face another challenge. As the day begins to wane I ride my last wave and start toward home. Heading up the beach I notice sand crabs scurrying into their holes for safety. I step up onto the dunes and turn around to bask in the ocean’s beauty. The sun sets and the sky glows a pinkish red. The beach is empty as far as the eye can see and the seagulls dance in the crystal clear sky. Hearing the voice of my mother calling for dinner, I begin my journey back thanking God for such a majestic wonderful place.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stating Your Claim free essay sample

Books should not be banned because by trying to censor books they are discouraging learning and attempting to prevent the truth. 2. ) Counter Claim: Some may disagree with me because. They feel that banning these books is a justified action, which may be to protect childrens innocence or promote national security and positive role models. 3. ) use the strategies you have learned for writing a strong opening arcograph to brainstorm ideas: Hook: What can you say about the topic to grab the audiences attention?How would you feel if all Of Our media was censored by the government? Bridge: How can you connect the hook to the claim and counterclaim? It isnt just the media that would be censored that includes books as well; some still believe that certain books should be banned from the people. Bridge: How can you transition from the counterclaim to the claim? Although the intentions for banning books are good, banning hem has equal moral conviction. We will write a custom essay sample on Stating Your Claim or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Your opening paragraph should follow this format: Hook Bridge between hook and argument topic Counterclaim Bridge between the counterclaim and claim Claim B. Use your ideas to write a solid opening paragraph. Paste your opening paragraph in the space below. How would you feel if all of our media was censored by the government? It isnt just the media that would be restricted, it includes books as well; some still believe that certain books should be banned from the people.They feel that banning these books is a justified action, which could be to protect childrens innocence or promote national security and positive role models. Although the intentions for banning books are good, banning them has equal moral conviction. Books should not be banned because by trying to censor books they are discouraging learning and attempting to prevent the truth. C. Before submitting your worksheet, highlight or underline your claim and counterclaim in your opening paragraph so your instructor can easily identify them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Self Confidence Essay free essay sample

What is self- confidence? The dictionary defines self- confidence as freedom of doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities. My definition of self- confidence Is believing In yourself. Many people lack the self-confidence and self-esteem needed to live a happy and healthy life. Self-confidence Is satisfaction In oneself. This must be present in peoples daily lives in order for them to believe that they have the ability to do anything. At this point In my life I am trying to gain the esteem I need to truly be happy. Self-confidence Is something that cannot be taught.It Is up to someone to decide how much belief that they possess Inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe In myself before others will believe In me. Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we develop mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Confidence Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Self- confidence can vary In different aspects such as: fake, temporary, or true confidence. False self- confidence is when someone talk big and acts like a big shot, but in reality they have zero self- confidence.It can be both negative, for people who take it overboard, or positive, for people who try to build their self- confidence. The quote fake it till you make it, is also relevant to false self- confidence in a positive manner basically saying they are going to build up their confidence no matter what. False self- confidence can also show that you are over- confident. Some people fake self- confidence to not look weak or scared to others. By faking your self- confidence, you can also gain your true confidence, which is the positive effect. Another aspect of self- confidence is emperors self- confidence.Temporary self- confidence happens when you get some sort of achievement and get excited while believing in yourself. When you achieve an award, opportunity, etc. , you start taking the confidence you have then, too far and then take a risk. Taking a risk in this temporary emotion can lead to many negative and/or positive solutions. Temporary self- confidence can help you achieve or lose an accomplishment(s). Also another aspect of self- confidence is true self- confidence. True self- confidence is confidence that does not count on recent achievements or exults.It has to do with a strong sense of inner trust. True self- confidence has a person doing the right thing, no matter the outcome of their actions. People with this type of confidence act in their best interest and trust and understand that doing the right thing, has positive results. Self- confidence Is a belief you have In yourself and your abilities. There are three aspects of self- confidence: false, temporary, and true self- confidence. False is self- confidence when you talk big, but do nothing when Its time for action. Temporary self- confidence Is when an event or achievement gives you a boost and that boost can makes you take a risk. True self- confidence Is when you actually believe In your capableness, trusts yourself, and makes you do the right thing. All these aspects of self- confidence come back to the mall definition. These aspects also have a positive and/or negative effect on the person and their confidence. Self- confidence Is the ability for you to believe In yourself, so do It while you can. Self Confidence Essay By Johanna-Khan belief in yourself and your abilities.My definition of self- confidence is believing in happy and healthy life. Self-confidence is satisfaction in oneself. This must be do anything. At this point in my life I am trying to gain the esteem I need to truly be happy. Self-confidence is something that cannot be taught. It is up to someone to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe in myself before others will believe in me. Vary in different aspects such as: fake, temporary, or true confidence. False self- right thing, has positive results.Self- confidence is a belief you have in yourself and self- confidence. False is self- confidence when you talk big, but do nothing when its time for action. Temporary self- confidence is when an event or achievement gives you a boost and that boost can makes you take a risk. True self- confidence is when you actually believe in your capabilities, trusts yourself, and makes you do the right thing. All these aspects of self- confidence come back to the main definition. These confidence. Self- confidence is the ability for you to believe in yourself,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

truly great essays

truly great essays Truly great, helpful, sensible advise. Eat plenty of fish - fish oil helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain. Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily. Prevent build-up of fatty deposits on artery walls Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative. Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent UPSET STOMACH? - BANANAS - GINGER!!!!! Bananas will settle an upset stomach. Ginger will cure BLADDER INFECTION? DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE!!!! High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria. Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME? EAT CORNFLAKES!!!! Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue. Oysters help improve your mental functioning by Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy. Wheat, bran and cabbage help maintain estrogen at LUNG CANCER? EAT DARK GREEN AND ORANGE AND VEGGIES!!! A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables. Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? EAT CELERY AND OLIVE OIL!!! Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too. BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE? EAT BROCCOLI AND PEANUTS!!! The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E content is twice that of an orange. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Outsourcing in India Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Outsourcing in India - Coursework Example Outsourcing in the recent years has come into much criticism by the workers in first world nations like US and UK. Many anti-outsourcing unions have been formed and people have developed a kind of disgust towards this trend which is only evolutionary (What are the Global Outsourcing Benefits 2005). This dissertation seeks to understand and know the effects of outsourcing of jobs to India will have on the service sector of the United Kingdom as well as other developed nations. Any benefits from outsourcing to India will also we weigh against the negative effects. Chapter one serves as a backgrounder for the Indian economy from the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial period. This is significant as it will give light to the nature of economy that existed before that affects the present economic system of India. The economic reforms made by Rajiv Gandhi were the foundation that made what India is today. The second section of the chapter examines the history of outsourcing and prove that the practice of outsourcing is not new, before the information technology, some manufacturing jobs were already being sent to low-wage countries. It is only through the advent of information and communication technology that outsourcing grew rapidly. This section evaluates the real force behind outsourcing and when it all started. Chapter two gives an account of the types of jobs being outsourced to India and what industries are involved. By using comparative advantage (Ricardo's principle) and the Heckscher-Ohlin model, the chapter seeks to understand fully the rational behind choosing India as a destination for most outsourcing job. Chapter three investigate the major impact of outsourcing on India and the use of Solow growth model in order to explain India's growth and make some predictions of the future of of Indian economy. It is indicated in this section that the outsourcing business is not only fueling the Indian economy into a bullish future but also provided and continues to provide more jobs to the Indians. Chapter four discusses the applicability of dual economy theory on present day India where agriculture and industrial economy both fuel its economy. The chapter also showed that India is fast catching up with other western developed economies. And finally, having all this data, this section will evaluate the overall benefits and especially negative effects of outsourcing to India on the service sector of the UK and other EU states. The major conclusion made from the essay Continued outsourcing of some jobs to India will further fuel the already emerging economy of India. Its effect on UK service sector will be temporary. Overall, the current structure of outsourcing is seen by many economists as an evolutionary one which will eventually benefit all countries in the long run. As an example of its benefits, the introduction of business process outsourcing has already enabled many countries to cut down prices and give better