Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Macbeth Character - 1548 Words

Shakespeare never fails to stun an audience with a complex yet entertaining character. His play of Macbeth is no exception. One might judge Macbeth to be the valiant hero of the play, to the audiences surprise and bewilderment, he is also the villain. To create such a character requires an unparalleled plot and great writing skill. Macbeth’s character is expressed in a way that relates to the audience. His moral transformation from valiant to vile, his moral hesitation and his torturing conscience are all elements that condemn Macbeth but at the same time evoke the audience’s sympathy. Macbeth is merely mentioned by the witches at the start of the play. We first meet â€Å"Brave Macbeth† while at work as a thane protecting his king from†¦show more content†¦Lady Macbeth uses reverse psychology by insulting her husband’s manliness: When you durst do it, then you were a man†. This flawless tactic works well on Macbeth and he is won over by her â€Å"undaunted mettle†. â€Å"I am settled and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat†. The verb â€Å"bend† shows the struggle in him to carry out the act, it goes against his nature. The decision for the murder is nevertheless Macbeth’s. Although Lady Macbeth is the catalyst he must ultimately take full responsibility for his own actions. The murder of Duncan may be depicted as the point of no return for the character of Macbeth. He is now frail and quite paranoid just after the murder, this contrasts with him being confident and brave on the battlefield; killing then seemed normal to him, but murder, he feels that he has condemned his soul. â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?†. The amount of guilt that Macbeth feels is unbearable to any man, which shows that he has not completed the course of his moral deterioration. Macbeth has now become a tyrant that will suspect everyone, even those closest to him. The crown has defiled Macbeth and he realizes that it only brings sadness and despair. Macbeth is even jealous of Duncan who is dead that he is resting in peace and him who is unable to even sleep is living in torment torn by guilt and paranoia. A new feature of the new Macbeth is also hypocrisy: â€Å"fail not our feast†. MacbethShow MoreRelatedCharacters In Macbeth1057 Words   |  5 Pagesin 1623, Shakespeare’s Macbeth play is an English, drama-based play centered on tragedy in the eleventh century. Macbeth’s primary characters include: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, King Duncan, Malcolm, Banquo, and Macduff. Other characters in the work include the Three Witches, Malcolm, Hecate, Fleance, Lennox, Ross, The Murderers, Porter, Lady Macduff, and Donalbain. The main setting of the play is in Scotland, along with some areas that are briefly in England. 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Have you ever thought about a leader that possessed these qualities that was from a play? Shakespeare s character Macbeth represents the Machiavellian idea that a ruler should appear well in public, be smart and strong, and do what is neces sary to hold onto power. Shakespeare used imagery, and metaphors to portray Macbeth this way because, although he dies in the end, Macbeth still used Machiavelli s ideals, and was successful in many ways. Both Machiavelli and Shakespeare knew that it

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